Once I was standing in a subway station looking at a set of photographs of olde-worlde and there was one, taken a hundred years ago, showing a girl stepping into the pool of a long-forgotten spa. I looked at her limbs, barely shown under the bathing suit that was surely trendy in 1900 and felt the heat growing inside as I studied her face, bound by a spell that left only one question: what is this magic, how can I feel attracted to a woman whose bones must have turned to dust long ago? How could anything made her so eternal, so lively, that I could want her beauty even after a hundred years?That was the moment when the magic of photography put a spell on me.
Creative experiments are not my strength, or maybe I'm plainly not enough talented for that but then, I don't want to be. If life is a river, my photographs are driftwood on its shore.
Ilyen képeket szeretnék készíteni - amelyek csak az ábrázolt pillanat erejéből élnek. Az elvont, kreatív kísérletezés nem az erősségem, vagy csak nem vagyok elég tehetséges hozzá, viszont nem is akarok mindenáron az lenni. Ha az élet folyó, a fotóim a partra sodródott hordaléka.